Class of 2018

Ang Yee Chin ↗
One line is too short to describe how awesome I am
Anthony Tantra ↗
Just a civil engineer passionate about building buildings and developing applications :D
Charis Anne Lim ↗
actually lowkey wants to be a farmer in japan that grows melon and strawberries
Chiang Weng Kiat ↗
You cannot connect the dots looking forward, only backwards
Edmund Mok ↗
Looking for a job starting 2019.
Ewald Hew ↗
if (Boolean.toString(condition).equals("true")) { return null; } // ⋃𝇙╽ʗ∘𐌃Ɛ 🅱Ɽ𝚘Қﻍ
Foo Guo Wei ↗
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.
Herald Yu Hong ↗
Think music. Write code.
John Phua Tai Da ↗
Input: tea --> Output: code
Lim Hui Qi ↗
Gamer, develop games, otaku, dancer.
Luo Yuyang ↗
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Mai Ngoc Thien Trang ↗
This is the beginning of something great.
Nicholas Lui Ming Yang ↗
Normal is overrated
Qiu Siqi ↗
Qiu Siyu ↗
We've taken the world apart, but we have no idea what to do with the pieces.
Samuel Henry Kurniawan ↗
I gain ATP by processing my code
Sreyans Sipani ↗
Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat.
Suyash Shekhar ↗
learning how to learn
Tan E-Liang ↗
Master of edge cases
Tan Su Yee ↗
I like cats
Tay Yu Jia ↗
Lorem ipsum dolo
Trung Hiếu Lê ↗
I love eating :D
Vu Xuan Minh ↗
A blast to be around with
Wong Kang Fei ↗
Sic Parvis Magna
Wu Zhaoxuan ↗
Why be good when you can be great?
Wyin Kok ↗
Bubble tea enthusiast
Yong Lin Han ↗
I work hard so that I can be lazy