Class of 2019

Alistair Ong ↗
hello i really love food, good food, and a good guitar on the side :)
Ang Zhi Yuan ↗
My name is Zhi Yuan, and I like hardware!
Au Liang Jun ↗
Perpetually bed hungry.
Brandon Ng Wei Jie ↗
TDD Battle Hardened Software Engineer, Cloud Robotic Enthusiast
Caryn Heng Zhi Xuan ↗
haha no way I'll stop at just one-line irl
Eloise Lim Yiying ↗
As colourful as rainbow, as cheerful as Elo
Fabian Terh Jun Wei ↗
Law got boring, so I picked up computer science instead 😎
Fung Si Qi ↗
Final year Communications and New Media kid that's exploring whether UIUX can be my thing for the future!
Herbert Ilhan Tanujaya ↗
Let's build cool stuff together!
Huynh Thanh Duc Anh ↗
Shoot for the stars but if you happen to miss shoot for the moon instead.
Jason Chong Yi Sheng ↗
Time you have enjoyed wasting is not time wasted.
Jeremy Tan Kai Qun ↗
I eat, I play, I code
Jerrell Ezralemuel ↗
a wkwkland fellow.
Julius Putra Tanu Setiaji ↗
def qsort([]), do: [] def qsort([x | xs]), do: qsort(for a when a < x <- xs, do: a) ++ [x] ++ qsort(for a when a >= x <- xs, do: a)
Julius Sander ↗
Brought to you by caffeine
Karen Frilya Celine ↗
Never give up without a fight
Koh Chi Hao ↗
I like fried chicken.
Koh Jun Wei ↗
Roses are red; Violets are blue; I am great; And so are you;
Koh Zheng Qiang Shawn ↗
I like building impactful products!
Lau Kar Rui ↗
board games and bbt
Liau Jian Jie ↗
Competitive burger eater
L V Sree Subbash ↗
Going places. Don't know where.
Melodies Sim Ming Hui ↗
Did you know the full quote: A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. :)
Nguyen Thanh Son ↗
A full-stack developer who likes back-end development with Python.
Ooi Ming Sheng ↗
Don't skip leg day.
Rachael Yong ↗
pistachio gelato addict, automotive & aerial photographer, thinker & globetrotter
Ranald Lam Yun Shao ↗
i like coffee liqueur - sometimes i sleep, sometimes i don't
Rayner Lim ↗
I design and code, and am passionate about building great products and services.
Rohan Arya Varma ↗
year 2 ceg student who prefers coffee without sugar and tea with sugar
Sashankh Chengavalli Kumar ↗
A curious and fun loving person with a passion to learn
Sujay R Subramanian ↗
fear not the forest, but the flame within
Tan LongBin ↗
Some call me Long, others call me Bean, but it's been long since someone called me LongBin.
Tan Yong He ↗
I'm self-declared allergic to vegetables :')
Travis Ching Jia Yea ↗
Team player, fun, laid back but responsible.
Vanessa Kwa ↗
Just that seemingly shy yet enthusiastic and driven year 4 CNM uxui designer
Vivian Ngiam Ling Li ↗
Seeing a spider in my room isn't scary. What's scary is when it d i s a p p e a r s .
Zhu Hanming ↗
eat sleep commit weep